How to Use bone up in a Sentence
bone up
verb- I suggest you bone up a bit on torts before the next attempt at the bar exam.
Dust off that leisure suit or flashy disco dress and bone up on your moves!
—Luann Gibbs, The Enquirer, 25 Aug. 2021
And most times, the Mountain West fails to give the rest of the college universe reason to bone up.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 26 Oct. 2021
If the win is closing the sale, bone up on your sales closing techniques.
—George Bradt, Forbes, 5 July 2022
The question is likely to come up again, so Haley and the rest of them would do well to bone up on the subject.
—Leonard Greene, The Mercury News, 6 Jan. 2024
Disney has mixed in some new nomenclature to bone up on.
—Dewayne Bevil,, 4 Aug. 2021
This is a good time of year to bone up on the bear facts and safety because many bears are now in a phase known as hyperphagia, Pratt said.
—Forrest Brown, CNN, 9 Oct. 2021
Mastering the roles required Gaffigan to bone up on his physics and chemistry.
—Brent Lang, Variety, 11 Mar. 2022
There are resources for educators who want to bone up on A.I. in a hurry.
—Kevin Roose, New York Times, 24 Aug. 2023
And for those who know the show and just want to bone up on the episodes that’ll be most useful for enhancing your Many Saints experience, these are the ones to revisit, in order of importance.
—Alan Sepinwall, Rolling Stone, 10 Sep. 2021
The beloved institution, where students, artists, scholars and fans could browse memoirs and bone up for auditions, was in danger of closing.
—New York Times, 6 June 2021
Stallworth and Drew Gentry, her biology teacher who was fossil hunting with her, followed the trail of bone up a hill and discovered the skull of a prehistoric whale that may be a new species.
—Outdoor Life, 20 Sep. 2023
And while many of these dinosaurs may never have occupied the same era, the same time period or even the same location, their appearance together on the silver screen may be a perfect chance to bone up on the taxonomy of the giant animals.
—Mary Kekatos, ABC News, 9 June 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'bone up.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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